Biological classification: |
- kingdom: Animalia
- - phylum: Chordata
- -- class: Mammalia
- --- order: Artiodactyla
- ---- family: Bovidae
- ----- species: Raphicerus melanotis
Characteristics: | herbivore; height: 50cm; the coat is dark, reddish brown with white speckles; the belly and insides of the legs are light brown; the ears are long and pointed; the males have short (8 cm) straight horns; it can be distinguished from the steenbok by the white speckles and the habitat; |
Countries: | - ZA
- South Africa
Ecoregions: | - AT1201
- Albany thickets
- AT1202
- Lowland fynbos and renosterveld
- AT1203
- Montane fynbos and renosterveld
Links: |
References: | Cillié 1997: 56 |